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What time do you stream?The regular stream schedule is currently weekend nights at 9pm Eastern (EST/EDT). The schedule may change week to week to include impromptu streams, or may need to be shifted for the month to different days depending on changes to my personal availability. An updated schedule should be posted and bookmarked to my Discord and Instagram.
Which platforms/games do you play?For streaming/game capture, I typically use either a PC or Xbox Series S, but I also have (and can also stream) a Switch, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP, Gamecube, and N64. I play a variety of games. I don't stick to a single game and I do not play competitively. For group streams, I'll just jump on with whatever my friends are playing (which is typically Halo Infinite, Overwatch 2, GTA V, and Rocket League).
When can we expect morning streams?Sometimes my personal availability changes and I can fit within my schedule a stream in the morning on specific weekdays for about a month. These, unfortunately, will not be part of the regular schedule and are not to be expected, but are sometimes a bonus that I am able to include.
Why do you sometimes stream on days that aren't on your schedule?Sometimes friends will want me to play games at the last minute and I feel like streaming it. Sometimes I'm really into a game and want to play it while also streaming. If you want to know when I'm live for an unscheduled, impromptu stream, make sure that you turn on notifications on your preferred platform so you know when I'm live.
What games do you have?I have a database of games I own using Darkadia (HIGHLY recommend this site if you want to do the same).
Can I play with you?I will usually put “w/ chat” in my stream title if I intend to play with the community. Otherwise, I typically play with my friends who are just looking to wind down and relax. Depending on who they are and how they feel, they may not be interested in having strangers joining the game and party chat.
What’s the music sometimes playing at the beginning of the stream or during breaks?That’s my own music from my other YouTube channel.
Which DAW are you using during your music production streams?Mixcraft
Who are you playing with?I tend to stream with specific friends regularly in several games. If we’re all streaming at the same time, type “!multi” in my chat to get the link to our multi-stream.
What is “The GOOS Squad”?The "GOOS Squad" (or "Goose Squad", there's no official spelling or terminology) is a group of friends and family I always play games with. A couple of us have a Twitch channel, but for the most part they don't care about streaming and are just playing to play the game. So please respect them and don't harass them in chat or Xbox Live. If you show up to my stream often enough, you might get know who all of them are.
Any chance you’ll stream to other platforms like Facebook or Kick?I only have intentions of live streaming to Twitch and YouTube at this time. I would like to also live stream to Instagram or TikTok but I do not have the ability yet to do so. If you want to help, make sure that you follow on those platforms.
Did you make your stream layouts yourself?Somewhat, yes. I use a mixture of my own Photoshop elements as well as assets that I've found online from others that don't require attribution. I like to design some things myself or seek out specific things for ideas that I have. For that reason, I am not looking for offers to redesign my Twitch or YouTube layouts. When I am looking to change things up and not design things myself or use pre-set assets, I will reach out to people specifically that I know or am interested in working with.
Do you make stream layouts for others?I've worked on stuff for friends, but otherwise, no.
How can I help support your content?I am currently affiliated on Twitch so you have the option to subscribe to my channel and donate Bits if you choose to do so. I also created a Patreon for the stream and set up "tips" through StreamElements. Tips and subscriptions are optional and never required. I will never have a paywall for my content and it will always be available to access for free for everyone (unless there are copyright or other issues which are out of my control).
What are others ways I can support your content right now?You can buy or stream my music (more info here), or support my music on Patreon. I also set up a Ko-Fi account for my music as well as Paypal. Also, sharing and linking to my content helps me a lot more than you might realize.
Hey, I like your videos! Can you check out my channel/video/song/etc?Sure! I'll check out any creative content people send me. Be proud of your work! Never be afraid to show it off! However, if you're asking me to see or listen to something while I'm streaming, I unfortunately won't be able to do so and will likely forget if you share it in the chat. I would recommend sending me a link afterwards as a Whisper on Twitch, on social media, or Discord. Please do not use my email for this purpose unless it's for a collaboration or other opportunity.
Hey, I like your videos and subscribed! Could you also subscribe back to me?No. I have a strict policy against "follow4follow/sub4sub/like4like/etc". My answer to this will always be no. If you wish for me to check out something you've created, see the previous question above.
Can I add you on Xbox Live?If you have an Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S, you can FOLLOW me on Xbox Live. I typically don’t add random people and just stick to friends I know. The same typically goes with Steam. I’m generally okay with PlayStation, Nintendo, or other PC platforms, though.
I’ll follow/subscribe if you do this funny thing on stream!Here’s why I won’t do that (you can also trigger this link by typing “!fart” in chat).
Can I be a mod?I won’t give mod status to just anyone asking for it. I will mod my friends or if I notice someone continuously comes out to my streams and participates in my chat, I will then decide on my own if I want to make them a mod. Mods must adhere to my chat rules or risk losing their mod privileges.
Regarding politics...I try to keep my live streams away from politics. It’s not because I don’t like talking about politics or think it’s not important – quite the opposite – but I know from experience that discussions can turn very ugly, very fast. And for the most part I want to keep the discussions in my live streams positive and inclusive because most people are there to make friends and have a good time. However, if I’m feeling particularly talkative and open on the subject, I will show it with the “!politics” command in my stream title which you can use in chat. If that’s the case, you can feel free to ask me (not anyone else in chat) what my thoughts are or just general political positions. Do not use this as an excuse to berate others who have differing opinions or beliefs of yours. If you want to have a separate conversation with me on this, I welcome it as long as it’s civil and not attacking me personally.
Why am I banned/blocked?If it's not specified in the Twitch chat, you can rest assured it was for a good reason.
Can I ask a mod to appeal my ban?No. Leave the mods alone.
Where are you from/what do you do/etc?I'm from Canada but please don't ask me or anyone else in my chat or who I'm playing with any personal questions beyond that.
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