Yes. It was time for a refresh. Obviously, music is no longer a primary focus of mine and I have spread out to other projects. It's probably not a great idea to do so and I should focus my energy on one thing to be successful. Unfortunately, I can't just do that. I have been enjoying streaming and playing games on Twitch. I'm collaborating with others and started a new podcast... over 2 years ago, but still...
Here's the thing. I'm not successful enough with any one of these projects that justify having and hosting several websites for each one. But I also couldn't have each be a side-note on a website for my music. So it was time for a change. Thus, Quick Attack is the new home for all of it.
I wanted to make this change a long time ago but it was always put off because it wasn't a priority. It got to a point where I couldn't keep putting it off for my own sanity. I kept going back and forth on what I want this website to be. I guess I'm still figuring that out. But ultimately I decided this needs to be a place where I can showcase all projects together and yet also separately. An overall branding umbrella that everything falls under. It also frees me up to introduce new projects or add additional things that aren't specifically associated with any other project.
So this website is going to be a work-in-progress for a bit and go through a lot of changes. I'm also mostly making this blog post and what I'm sure will be more soon after as part of the process of designing different pages to feature blogs relating to that category.
Also, a couple of things to address right away:
I'm no longer going to use Disqus for comments. It wasn't working the way I had intended it.
The "YouTube Gaming Monetization List" is gone. It might return, but updating that list as a priority for this new site at the beginning was a major hurdle and reason why it took me so long to do this, so I decided to shelve it for now and consider coming back to it later (but, just FYI, it's not hard to research and you can assume most non-Japanese publishers are okay with it at this point).
The store is gone. Maybe I'll consider selling merch again if there are enough requests for it.
The copyright page for my music will return and be re-written as it is important, but it's not the primary focus of this new site.
The cover request form is gone. I can no longer keep up with requests especially since my music production has slowed down significantly. Going forward, I'm just working on music I'm personally interested in working on or as part of a requested collaboration.
I'm intending to use this for more than just video and music projects. There will eventually be resources featured to help other content creators, news and opinion posts, etc. Hopefully, Quick Attack will eventually be its own thing.
If something about this website is not working be sure to reach out and let me know so I can work on it.